House Party Protocol

House Party Steps

1. It would be great if the Host has a list of 50 to 100 names with snail mail addresses to invite. Never rely on email invitations. People ignore email invitations all too often.

2. 2 to 2 ½ weeks before the event the campaign mails invitations. The host is not to mail the invitations. Sometimes they will lie and say they mailed them and actually did not. The campaign will mail the hosts list and the all Republicans in the immediate area. You can find Republicans in the area via GOP Data Center or another database. Your list size should be a minimum of 200 to 250 to get a 20 person turnout. (That is a 10% turnout so you can invite more) This is not a birthday party. It is a political event. You need to invite a large group to get a decent turnout.

3. The invitation should include a reply card and reply envelope for people who cannot attend but want to send a donation

4. Once the invitations are out the host should call their list.

5. The campaign calls the rest of the people invited. Don’t concern the host with others invited.

6. Replies should go back to the campaign. For the host’s invitation, write on the return envelope– Attention: Host’s Name. It can be handwritten,

7. 95% of the time the host provides the food and liquor.

Pre Host Party

· For people who donate before the event there is a pre-made nametag.

· Host Food could be “cake and coffee”, “wine and cheese”, “veg and dip”, less is more. Simple is nice.

· There should be a volunteer who works the door. This person will give out name tags, collect donations and have people sign in.

Host Party

Most people like to do 6 to 8pm after work. Saturday parties are tough on attendance. If you do a weekend party, go for Sunday.

First hour Networking Hour

· Invitees come enter the home. Volunteer has them sign in, Name, Address, Phone, Email.

· Jack Lombardi shakes hands with everyone.

· This hour is designed for everyone to come and to “chat it up” and “make friends”.

· Eat and drink and be merry.

Second hour Host introduces Jack Lombardi

· Host takes the floor, calls everyone to order, and start with a 2-3 minute opening on “How I met Jack Lombardi, I want you to meet him too”.

· Host to introduce Jack Lombardi.

· Jack speaks for 10 minutes.

· Jack takes Q&A for 5-7 minutes.

· Host takes the floor, “Isn’t Jack great!” He’s so great I am going to invest $$$ into his campaign.”

· It is great if the host physically takes out a checkbook to write a check in front of the group.

· Volunteer at the door tries to collect checks or take down credit card information. (The door is more important than cleaning up. Help with clean up after everyone has left.)

· Never count checks in front of guests.

· Close with a Thank You from the host.

· Give signs to people on way out door.

Post Host Party

· Email thank you will go out from the campaign thanking them for attending.

· Send snail mail thank you for donations.

· Send thank you note to host.