Press Announcement
Lombardi: Biden Must Go
Congress Must Impeach Biden At Once To Save American Lives
MANHATTAN, IL, UNITED STATES, August 25, 2021 / — Today, Jack Lombardi, Republican Candidate for Congress in Illinois’ 16th Congressional District, called, called for Congress to begin impeachment proceedings at once against Joe Biden immediately. Lombardi said he is not taking impeachment lightly, but that Biden has clearly vacated his post as Commander-in-chief with his handling of Afghanistan and giving into Taliban blackmail for an August 31st withdrawal. Lombardi said Biden is abandoning Americans, putting Americans in clear danger of another terrorist attack, jeopardized strategic alliances, and created a humanitarian crisis. Rather than assume responsibility and work toward an America First solution, the Administration is relying on the Taliban, a known terrorist group with ties to al-Qaeda and the 9/11 terror attacks, and a group Biden said only a month ago he does not trust. If a group of terrorists can force Joe Biden to back down, just imagine what a world power like China or Russia might accomplish. Joe Biden either through cowardice or incompetence is abandoning Americans in danger, something no American president has ever done. Joe Biden is showing the world he will not stand up to terrorists. The United States cannot allow him in office one day longer. Congress must impeach him immediately.
Due to Joe Biden’s ineptitude, Lombardi said we are seeing a resurgence of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and predicted the Taliban and Al-Qaeda will be celebrating at the former American embassy in Kabul on 9/11. He said this is a disgrace to those lost on 9/11 and all who sacrificed their lives combatting the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Lombardi said that Biden’s statements since the fall of Afghanistan show a man who is either directly lying to the American people or has created his own alternate reality. Biden has abdicated his duty as Commander-in-chief and has demonstrated he’s not competent.
“Joe Biden is abandoning American citizens to the Taliban,” said Jack Lombardi. He is giving up Americans to terrorist threats. Joe Biden has abdicated his role as Commander-in-chief. He abandoned his post in the face of the Taliban and clearly showed his incompetence. Congress must begin impeachment proceedings immediately. American lives depend on Congress impeaching him at once.
“I do not take impeachment lightly, it should only be used in extreme cases,” concluded Lombardi. “This is such a case. It is not a Republican or Democratic issue. It’s an American security issue. Joe Biden’s first responsibility is the safety of America and its citizens. As the Commander-in-chief he has a responsibility to the men and women in the military – he abandoned them. He’s endangered the safety of the United States, Americans in Afghanistan are at the mercies of the Taliban, and old allies like Great Britain and Israel now wonder if Biden would sacrifice them. Meanwhile China, Iran, and Russia laugh at us, see us as vulnerable, and salivate at Biden’s weak posture. Joe Biden must go; our national security is at risk every second he remains at the helm.”
Media Contact: David Johnson, Strategic Vision PR Group
Ph: (404) 380-1079
Paid For By Friends of Lombardi
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